
From Tauchplätze Kiel und Umgebung - Tauchplatzwiki
  • "Boolean" is a basic datatype to describe a true/false value.
  • "Date" is a basic datatype to represent points in time in a unified format.
  • Number
  • "Text" is a basic datatype to describe strings of arbitrary length.
  • "Annotation URI" is a variant of the URL datatype and is mostly used for a owl:AnnotationProperty export declaration.
  • "Code" is a variant of the Text datatype to be used for technical texts of arbitrary length, such as source code listings.
  • "External identifier" is a variant of the Text datatype to describe external resources (URI based) and requires assigned properties to declare an External formatter URI.
  • "Geographic coordinates" is a datatype that describes geographic locations and requires the "Maps" extension to provide an extended functionality.
  • "Keyword" is a variant of the Text datatype that has a restricted character length with a normalized content representation.
  • Page
  • "Quantity" is a datatype to describe quantities with a numeric representation and a unit of measurement.
  • URL
  • "Monolingual text" is a container datatype that associates a text value with a specific language code.
  • "Record" is a container datatype that specifies a list of typed properties in a fixed order.
  • "Reference" is a container type that allows to record additional information (e.g. provenance data) about a value assignment.
  • "Email" is a special datatype to represent an email.
  • "Telephone number" is a special datatype to describe international telephone numbers according to RFC 3966.
  • "Temperature" is a special numeric datatype to represent a temperature.

  • _anu (Annotation URI)
  • _boo (Boolean)
  • _cod (Code)
  • _dat (Date)
  • _ema (Email)
  • _eid (External identifier)
  • _geo (Geographic coordinates)
  • _keyw (Keyword)
  • _mlt_rec (Monolingual text)
  • _num (Number)
  • _wpg (Page)
  • _qty (Quantity)
  • _rec (Record)
  • _ref_rec (Reference)
  • _tel (Telephone number)
  • _tem (Temperature)
  • _txt (Text)
  • _uri (URL)

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